Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Baptisim 4-26-09 (Mack Douglas Asher)

We were all so excited to see Mack not Zack lol baptized this past Sunday. His friends and family gathered around to watch as he was baptized. Mack is fourteen years old and a freshmen at Clay County High School. He is involved in the JAM (Jesus and Me) Club which is a faith based club at the school which is growing. It is so good to see young people with a such a desire to serve the Lord. We Thank God for Mack and Pray that he continues to grow and be a light to other young people that he comes into contact with.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Baptisim of Nick and Johnny Dale (4-19-09)

What a blessing it was to see these two men saved on the same evening here at the church.
Nick was baptized last night as friends and family looked on. This was a very special evening for all those in attendance especially for his fiance Chelsie and her family. They have prayed for this to happen for such a long time. God continues to bless them. Talk about a happy family right now. They are shouting the VICTORY!!! We are looking forward to Nick and Chelsie's walk down the aisle soon.

A mothers prayer answered. You can't tell us that God's not answering Prayers. It all started one night at Bethany Bible Church with a little purple cloth that Phyliss had anointed. Johnny Dale Marcum has since gave his life over to the Lord and is so excited. He said last night as he was about to get baptized that he didn't know why he had waited so long...He said if he knew it felt this good he would have done it way before now. He says that he can't wait to get to the church each morning for prayer.

Baptisim of Roger and Paul Chastain (4-19-09)

Our Baptistry is getting quite the use of lately. THANK THE LORD!!! Peggy Runion's brother Roger and his son Paul were both baptized last night. Roger has always been a dedicated church goer here but just recently came to the altar and turned his life over to the Lord. We Thank God for Roger and Paul and are so glad that the entire family is now here at the church. Paul is ten years old and is in 4th grade at Oneida. God Is Good!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Play Shots

Our Easter Play was a huge success thanks to Rosetta Lakes who dedicated so much of her time and energy to bringing the Story of Christ's journey to the cross to life. The Watch the Lamb Musical was performed once on Saturday and then again on Easter Sunday evening. Sunday evening drew our biggest crowd with well over 500 in attendance.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Personal Testimony (Chris Rogers) 2

I could get up here to say that I was on drugs and that God delivered me and that is my testimony but God is so much more than just my deliverer.

He loved me so much that he sent his son to die for me on a cross just to save me from my sins. And not just my sins but the sins of everyone. I've knew this ever since I was a small child because I had two parents that raised me in church from the time I was born until I turned eighteen.

I Rebelled and gave place to the devil. I was already experimenting with drugs before, but I really got hooked and it all started with one joint. From there I went on to try pills, coke, acid, crack.


Everything except a needle. I wanted anything I could get my hands on. After about 10 years or so meth came and that was my bottoming out. Every minute of everyday that was all that was on my mind. Who's got it? How am I going to get it?

"Too much just ain't enough!" That was my frame of mind.

Eventually there came a time when the people around me started to go to prison and still worse than that some began to die. Things began to happen to me as well. Run ins with the Law began as I began spiralling down.

On one occasion I was with with "My Partner in Crime" so to speak. We started talking about going to church and both us kind of made an agreement that if he would go then I would go as well.

Our first church we attended was in Barbourville. His uncle was the Pastor and it was pretty far from home and not many would know us there. It wasn't all that bad. Suffice to say "The roof Didn't Fall in on us." So we decided to go once again. This time we made our way to Laurel Creek and eventually to the Potter's House and then on to the Rockhouse and Oneida.

There came a great revival at Laurel Creek and I decided to go. I was alone this time. As the preacher (Brad Stevens) began to preach he asked the question "What are you going to do about Jesus?" I will never forget those piercing words which seemed to dart straight to my heart. I knew without a doubt that he was talking directly to me.

I gave my life to the Lord that night and it has never been the same since. No more drugs or cigarettes. I WAS SET FREE!!! Three and a half years later I'm clean as a whistle.


I've been so Blessed since I decided to put God first. I now have a beautiful wife and the most perfect four month old son who we named Jacob. He is so perfect in my eyes. I have been blessed with a home, good job, and car. I'm thankful my bills get paid and that I have plenty to eat. What more could I ask for?

God truly worked a miracle in my life and he can do the same for you. It's really so simple. All you have to do is ask.