Tuesday, June 29, 2010

God Remained

God Made
Adam Bit
Noah Arked
Abraham Split
Joseph Ruled * Jacob Fooled
Bush Talked * Moses Balked
Pharaoh Plagued * People Walked
Sea Divided
Tablets Guided
Promise Landed
Saul Freaked
David Peeked
Prophets Warned
Jesus Born
God Walked
Love Talked
Anger Crucified
Hope Died
Love Rose
Spirit Flamed
Word Spread

Pastor Joey Burns (Unction)6-27-10

There are two Scriptures which refer to the Holy Spirit as the Unction or Anointing: 2 Corinthians 1: 21 shows that it is God who has anointed Christians in connection with their new position in Christ, and 1 John 2: 18-27 indicates that the youngest Christians have all the advantages which the anointing confers.
The Holy Spirit came to the company of the redeemed on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem, and attached Himself to each of them individually, filling them by His power, and qualifying every one of them to be here intelligently and zealously in the testimony for Christ. To that company so wonderfully started in Divine power has God been adding by the work of His grace from that day to this, saving men through faith in the risen Christ, and giving to those saved ones the Holy Spirit to indwell them and to empower them to be here for Christ.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Several men at our church received gifts for the youngest father to the oldest father etc....