Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Are you tired of politics?

I know I am... and I don't even watch television. I do pick it up however on the internet from time to time but it still gets on my nerves. I even received a card in my mailbox yesterday from someone campaigning for office who was slinging mud at his opponent to the extent he was actually calling them a pig. I was in shock! In truth it really is hard to get away from it all, if it's not a phone call, radio, newspaper, mailing or some other something to get your attention. It really makes me want to start humming that tune...Signs, Signs, everywhere Signs...Oh and there are plenty of those as well. Ughhh... lol

Below is an article I received by e-mail this morning that puts an even broader look at why we all just can't wait till it's all over.

Enjoy, Tes

Are you tired of politics?

A week from today it will all be over.  After $5.8 billion and two years of campaigning, the 2012 elections will be done.  (Unless the presidential candidates tie in the Electoral College, a possibility we'll not think about this morning.)  In battleground states like Nevada,viewers are being bombarded with 10,000 television ads a week; only one in 14 is positive.  Are you tired of politics?

A technology company has created a way to replace all political posts on Facebook and Twitter with pictures of cats.  One frustrated citizen has announced the "Sick and Tired Party." Last July, 67 percent of Americans said they expected the remainder of the White House race to be "exhausting"—today we can add the remaining 33 percent to the total.

How do other countries do it?  In Australia, 96 percent of citizens cast ballots (it doesn't hurt that there's a $20 penalty for those who don't vote).  Political campaigns typically last a month in the United Kingdom and two months in Australia.  The longest election in Canada's history was 74 days.  The longest campaigns outside the United States are in Germany, where an unscheduled election can last for 114 days.

Why are our campaigns so long?  One answer is historical, the result of constitutional guidelines created in the era before mass communication, when candidates needed months to meet the public and communicate their message.

Another is pragmatic: our president is Commander in Chief of the most powerful military in history.  (While Congress has declared war only five times in our history, presidents have sent troops into battle numerous times.)  He nominates justices for lifetime positions on the Supreme Court and makes more than 3,000 appointments for positions vital to the functions of the federal government.  The president and vice-president are the only leaders elected by our entire country.  Since no other single office is so important to the nation and world, its candidates deserve scrutiny.

If democracies get the leaders they deserve, maybe we get the campaigns we deserve as well.  Negative rhetoric and attack ads reflect a culture that is divided and pessimistic—only37 percent of likely voters say the country is headed in the right direction.  Only 41 percent of eligible voters cast ballots in the last election.

Do you remember an election as divisive as this one?  What are your best and worst memories of past elections?  I think the voter frustration of these days is an opening for the gospel, as believers remind our culture that our King can do what presidents cannot.  Whatever happens next Tuesday, he will rule the universe next Wednesday.  Despite the vagaries of our politics, God is still on his throne.  Here's the question: is he on yours?

Article From the Denison Forum 

Winter Jam/March 16, 2013-Lexington, KY-Rupp Arena

Tour date for Lexington, Ky @ Rupp Arena
Show Time: 6:00 PM
Door Time: 5:00 PM
JAM NATION door time: 3:30 PM
I can't wait!

Don't Hide Your Light!

Don't hide your light! Jesus requires us to let it shine for the world to know His love and truth. Its time to make a stand and let the world see who belongs to HIM ♥


Don't be as the Pharisees and sit at the best seats and pray aloud for all to hear and look down on others. We all sin and fall short of the glory of GOD!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Holy Ground!

I read this little quatrain in a book today and thought of Pastor Joey's "take off your shoes, it's holy ground" sermon of the other day. Of course I love this verse from Elizabeth Barrett Browning's poem, Aurora Leigh, because it acknowledges the fact that God is Present everywhere and the "Earth's crammed with Heaven." I keep praying that I will be one of those "who sees"! What a glorious thought!
Here is the verse:
"Earth's crammed with Heaven,
And every common bush afire with God,
But only he who sees takes off his shoes -
The rest sit around it and pluck blackberries."

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012