I just had to share this special testimony that was shared from my facebook friend Michael tonight. It truly touched my heart because it came from his heart. Michael gave his life to the Lord tonight. Praise God! Once a facebook friend but now my brother in Christ. March On!
There's Gonna be Brighter Days.

so i've been going to church for a little over a month now at COGWC. I've been to churches before where the preaching seems more of a bashing toward me but this church is different. i like it. They're always preaching sermons that i feel are directed toward me but there's a lot of different religions in this world and as a sinner who knew nothing about any of them, whose to say which one was the one for me?? so i'm not gonna lie i haven't really been paying attention to the things that are going on. I always find ways to avoid the message and distract myself. Time after time i've started to feel something inside me that maybe got me curious, but i always find a way to push the message to the back burner. Tonight the associate pastor was preaching and invited all whose interested to the alter, like always, and I just sat back and didn't go up. I was listening to what he was saying and watching what he was doing and felt that little feeling again. I'm a very shy person and honestly my biggest fear was probably going in front of all those people and accepting it. I looked around to distract myself AND I WAS THE ONLY PERSON IN THE WHOLE CHURCH STILL IN THE PEW! then i saw this cute little kid in front of me, aaron, and so i was trying to make faces at him to focus on something else but he was all caught up in playing cars with some other little kid. I sat there for a couple minutes and i just couldn't take it anymore. I had the biggest rush come over me and tears just started streaming down my face. i actually made myself listen to the message and i'm so glad i did! i went to the alter to pray and ask for forgiveness and i got it. i got saved tonight. its unexplainable and i can't really come up with the words to describe the feeling that came over me, but it was such a good one. I just wanted to hug someone. I opened my eyes and there was this little old lady in front of me, i don't know who she was but i just grabbed her and hugged her anyway. I realized after about 2 minutes that she was old and fragile and i was probably squeezing her a little too tight so i let her go and found someone else. its truly the greatest feeling in the whole wide world. i love my new church family and i'm so grateful i got to share this experience with them and i thank them so much for making me feel welcome. I'm getting baptized next sunday at Frazier Rd in the river. (pray there's no leeches!) come out and join us!!
By/Michael Davidson.
By/Michael Davidson.
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