Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fan the Flame/By Michael Davidson

God doesn't want a lukewarm Christian. But the truth is, you're never going to catch on fire trying to figure it out on your own. It's a fight to keep your faith at times. Don't give up that fight. Someone close to me was really struggling to find the Lord a while back and her husband would get her in front of everyone and say "Well she's a hypocrite! She listens to rock music and tries to go to church!" (I'm not preaching on rock music, I'm just saying, that's what he told all of us in the room) Just because you go to church doesn't mean you're saved. Just because you go to church once doesn't mean you're gonna leave a changed person and change everything about you. It's a work in progress. If we all went to church one time and said "Eh, I aint cut out for this" and never went back no one would know who God is. We're not strong enough to do it on our own. We don't have it in us to be everything we're supposed to be living in the flesh.

It's when we dedicate ourselves to God, when we read our word, meditate on it, pray, fast, believe, that's when it all starts coming together. Apart from God we can do nothing. So if you're curious about going to church, go. If you go once and aren't sure if you like it, go back. Don't let anyone make you think that you're not cut out for it or you can never get to that point. Keep trying until you do. If you're a struggling Christian and your fire is starting to burn out, get into the word of God and fan the flame! Refill yourself with the Holy Spirit. Open your bible and hold on to the promises! If you've backslid go the house of God and surround yourself with positive people.

Make it a habit to serve the Lord. Not just on Sunday mornings but Sunday nights. Wednesday's too. Or whatever days of the week y'all have church! When the doors are open make sure you're there. Come to the house of God with the desire to get to know Him. The longing to feel his presence moving through you. Believe in His power and the ability to break your strongholds. It will come to pass. But just because you're going through a difficult time doesn't mean you should turn and run. In fact, that's when you should be trying to stick out the best! You don't have to always be a positive uplifting person. You're human, a bad day is expected. But if you want to to overcome your problems, you need God in your life.