Friday, April 20, 2012

It's All Around Us

God's love is magnificent, it is majestic, and it's not only magestic but there's meaning in every spec of His creation, right down to the grains of sand. God gave us everything we need to know him. To believe. God' intention was never to be invisible for He is seen in all things. How can we not see God when He is all around us in everything we see. His mighty hand is always at work. Every living thing represents God's love. Everything we are is a miracle of God's love.

God created everything around us so that we might see just how real and unfailing he is, not lacking for anything so that we would have no doubt he truly exists. God has made things to be clearly seen and understood.

I want to talk about how everything that God created coinsides with one another and how everything that we face or look upon, the answers and proof are reveiled to us. God has provided numerous examples to illistrate his love and has provided everything around us as a guide towards our salvation such as;

There is darkness and there is light; Picture yourself in the dark. Darkness represents being lost, we cannot see whats before us or around us, we are blinded, without hope and in fear. Now picture yourself in the sun, in the light. The light represents warmth, peace, hope, a new beginning, a new day.

The mountain; something that is out of reach, big, overpowering. We have and will face many mountains but we can rise above that mountain and God can move those mountains and clear the way for us.

Valleys; deep, long. We all go thru the valleys to stand on the mountain and overcome trials.

Air; which sustains us as God sustains us.

Rain; God pours down his love upon us like rain.

Clouds; everything will pass away.

Rainbows; The many colors of life. Shows the beauty in all things

Thunder; God's mighty hand. His power.

Oceans and waves; Deep and powerful. The ups and downs in life, tides. But God can calm the sea.

The sky; Big, wide, never ending, boundless and everlasting. No limits to God's love for us.

Laughter and joy; Peace like no other. As God's love is for us.

Sleep; To rest in him.

To awake; To come alive, To awake in his presence. A new day.

A heart; To give and recieve love and to love as God loves us.

A mind; to disifer, to figure out, to come to know God's love.

The unconcious mind: To convict and restore.

Ears to hear and eyes to see; To behold All God's Glory.

A tongue; To taste. To know the difference between good and bad.

A mouth: To pray and praise and share the wonders of God.

Hands and arms; To touch and hug. To pray and praise God for all he is doing and to love others as God loves us.

Legs; To go out and share the word of God.

Miracles; Healing and happiness. The wonders of God's love.

His Holy Spirit; The fruits of the Spirit were all given to us.

Flowers and sunsets; Beauty, restoration, renew.

Birds and fish; Proof that God takes care of all things both great and small.

Life; To live for him and be an example to others.

Right and wrong, feelings and love: Who could have possibly created right from wrong? Who created feelings? Who created love? It had to start somewhere. Somewhere way before us.

Romans 1:20 " For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and devine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse"

For those who do not believe, I suggest you take another look. For he is all around us! We are surrounded by God's love in everything we see. "All things work together for the Glory of God!!!

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